Here at Adam’s Eyecare we specialize in providing the best Eyecare. We are experienced in finding diabetic retinopathy. Many diabetic patients don't know they have retinopathy as it doesn't cause symptoms in the early stages. We find hemorrhages, and neovascular changes in the early and moderate stages while still very treatable and reversible. Please don't put off your exam if you are diabetic. We have empathy and are kind. We won't judge you. We will find out together how your eyes are doing, and make a plan for how to help you.
Diabetic Retinopathy happens in Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. It even happens in people who don't know they have diabetes! (people who don't go to the doctor- its easy for a doctor to know you have diabetes from a simple blood test). Patients with an A1C of 7.0 or less are very unlikely to have diabetic retinopathy, and we are happy to use the insurance of your choice to help pay for the examination. Patients with an A1C 7.1 or above are at a much higher risk of retinopathy and we are happy to help them and share any findings we observe and any recommendations or treatments that are needed and we are happy to bill medical insurance primary to their vision insurance.
Once an exam is performed we will write a letter to your primary care doctor and your endocrinologist with a summary of our findings. They will be so happy to know you got your annual dilated diabetic eye exam with retina screening for retinopathy!
The illustration below shows different stages of retinopathy. Please don't be scared out of an eye exam because of fear of the unknown. All the retinopathy stages below can benefit from treatment. When our patients need treatment we have great relationships with local retina specialists that see our referred patients quickly to get the help they need!